Extendicare Kildonan

Work life Balance

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Nowadays, work-life balance can seem like an impossible feat as technology makes employees accessible around the clock. Work-life balance can mean something different to every individual.

Unfortunately, we are never “closed” and our residents and clients require care and support 24/7 but that doesn’t mean that you need to work 24/7! Here are some tips to help you achieve work-life balance:

1. Set your priorities- Figure out what you want your priorities to be.

2. Manage your time- Keep a focus on work at work, leave on time and use those extra hours to enjoy life.

3. Make your friend your job- Seek out tasks and projects that you particularly enjoy doing.

4. Schedule in fun- Sticking to a schedule will help to ensure that your work doesn’t eat into your personal life.

5. Try not to email on weekends or after hours (unless, of course that is the shift you are working) – if something is urgent, CALL.

6. If you receive an email outside of your normal working hours don’t feel the need to respond, if something is urgent you should receive a CALL.

We would love to hear your tips on how you achieve work-balance! Email communications@extendicare.com to share your tips!

By Deb Bakti, Vice President Human Resources and SGP Purchasing Partner Network